Trrue Coin Sale Details
Seed round price is $0.04 discounted 60% - selling up to 10,000,000 tokens at that price (to raise $400k)
TRC Round Prices
Public price 1 TRC - $0.10
Pre-Sale 1 TRC - $0.08
Private 1 TRC - $0.06
Seed (SAFT) 1 TRC - $0.04
Please fill out this form carefully, there is only a limited amount of places available any errors may delay your application.
Once completed we will email you further details on how to complete the purchase.
This is pre-registration only, no allocation is confirmed until your payment is received.
Vesting Schedule:
2% is released on TGE -
The remaining 98% will be locked for a period of 6 months.
Released in equal monthly tranches over a period of 18 months.
A SAFT is a "Simple Agreement for Future Tokens" and is the earliest possible round to purchase Trrue Coin. Please make sure you fully understand and review this agreement. SAFT Review here.